5paisa Developer APIs Update

5paisa Developer APIs Update

Historical Data:- Historical candle data is the backbone for any strategy deployed and this API provides the support by providing archived data for various scrip codes. The API works in an active session and requires clients to login first. After successful login, a token is generated in the response which is required to be validated first with the JWT validation API. After token validation, the historical data can be fetched for any scrip code using GET method. It provides OHLC (open, high, low and close rates) and volume data along with timestamps for scrip codes passed in the request. Now get 6 months of historical intraday data for the following time intervals(frames):- 
  • 1m – 1 minute 
  • 5m – 5 minute 
  • 10m – 10 minute 
  • 15m – 15 minute 
  • 30m – 30 minute 
  • 60m – 60 minute 
  • 1d – 1 day
Support to More Languages:- Along with the existing 3 languages (Python, NodeJS and Golang) we have added 3 more, With the aim of providing a wider and simpler application we extend and introduce our support to newer programming languages. Now you can also use and interact with our API's in the following languages:-
  • Java
  • PHP
  • DotNet(C#)
One-Line Functions to execute options strategies:- We now introduce a very important tool for options traders to simply execute strategies using our new Strategy package (as a part of our Python SDK and will be soon supported in multiple other languages. Now you can simply call our pre-defined strategy functions and pass it basic order related information. Execution of the order will be done immediately (as an at market order). Detailed information can be found here.
List Of Strategies Available
  • Short Straddle
  • Short Strangle
  • Long Straddle
  • Long Strangle
  • Iron Fly(Butterfly)
  • Iron Condor
  • Call Calendar Spread
  • Put Calendar Spread
  • Call Ladder Spread
  • Put Ladder Spread
  • Double Ladder Spread
Full Market Snapshot:-  We have added another API that will help you in getting complete scrip level information instantly. This API supports about 50 scrips requests at a time in a list. In response provides details pertaining to the requested scrips.

Existing Features:-
  • Order Request
  • Market Feed
  • Co/Bo place and modify orders
  • Websocket Live Data
    • Live Feed
    • Market Depth
    • Open Interest
  • Reports
    • Order Book/Status
    • Trade Information
    • Positions 
    • Portfolio
    • Margin
Future Addition to Trading Api's:-
  • AmiBroker and MT4 integration:- Soon you will be able to connect your existing Amibroker and MT4 accounts directly with our Developer Apis and fire orders based on strategies you already have in your environment. 
  • Publisher JS Plugin:- Also coming up with branded order placement buttons, you will be able to use custom 5paisa buttons and take trade directly after logging in from any vendor page. By this feature, you will be able to modify price components at the time of order confirmation but other scrip related information would be taken care of automatically.
  • Option Chain:- Now get option chain over our API’s effortlessly for any scrip you want. This will help in creating options strategies based on option chain data.
  • Websocket Order Updates:- To get live streaming of order status (which thereby provides you with the Exchange Order ID and other related crucial information of a placed order.