FAQs on Stocky5 Community

FAQs on Stocky5 Community

  1. What is Stocky5?
    An all-in-one community app for the traders and investors like you. You can now learn, share, and connect with investors across India. Not only this, but you can also add hashtags, tag the stocks, share images or videos, and much more! Slide to Stocky5 Now!
  2. Why Stocky5?
    This community platform is updated with the stocks, business news, and any news which is driving the economy of the country and the world. The Stocky5 platform is to Learn, Connect & Explore, all at one time. Connect with the master investors, share your insights, learn from the market experts , and a lot more.
  3. What types of content can I post?
    You can post any sort of content that is related to the stock market, mutual funds, commodity markets, and any financial topic in general.
  4. Is it compulsory to have a Demat account for accessing Stocky5?
    Not at all! If you have a 5paisa Demat account, that's great, you can indeed be a part of our Stocky5 Community. And having a Demat account will get you access to the community. 
  5. What all activities can we do on Stocky5?
    You can post insights about the Stocks, News, MFs, Commodities, and other finance grinds. Also, you can like, comment, share & repost the content of your favorite investors/influencers. 

  6. How to create a post?
    Tap on the '+' red icon on the bottom right of my feed page and you can write your content. You can add up to 250 characters and images, polls, and videos with that, too.

  7. How to add an image/video/GIF?
    Tap on the plus icon appearing on the bottom right of your screen. You can add a poll, image, gif, or video (one at a time) and post your content. This way you can add up to 5 images or a video or gif of not more than 10MB to your post.

  8. How to add a poll in Stocky5?
    Tap on the plus icon and add options to your poll, also you can add up to 5 options.
    Let your followers decide which option wins. Further, you can set the duration of the polls, too i.e. you can set your poll for up to 10 days maximum.


  9. How to tag stocks?
    Tap on the plus icon & type ₹(rupee symbol) followed by the stock name, then you can add the stocks that you want to talk about in your posts.

  10. How to tag users in my content?
    To tag users, you need to add @ followed by the name and tag them in your content.

  11. How to comment on the post?
    Tap on the comment icon below the post and next to the like icon. Then, tap on the post button once you're done commenting!

  12. How to repost in Stocky5?
    You can repost any post by tapping on the icon just below the post. Tap on the icon & repost the content on your feed, too!

  13. How do I share my posts?
    Simply, tap the share button on the right side of the post and choose where you want to share it, either on Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, text, etc.

  14. Is sharing posts have any limitations?
    Hurray! You can share as many posts as you want. Just follow your trading gurus and float the right posts as you like.

  15. Where can I see my posts?
    You can see your post in the 'My profile' section in the top right corner as well as on the 'My Feed' in your profile section in the Stocky5 application.

  16. Who read my posts?
    The followers and followings can see your feed and read your posts. If any of your posts are trending, then any Stocky5 Community user can read your posts from the trending section and can like & comment as well.
  17. What is My Feed, in Stocky5?
    My feed in Stocky5 is all about the content posted by you and your followers and followings in the community.

  18. What is the trending section?
    The trending section in stocky5 is all about the buzzing topics that our Stocky5ires are talking about.

  19. What is a live section?
    The live section in the application is all about the live webinars, stock updates, summaries, live events, etc.

  20. What is market commentary?
    The market commentary is the section where you can see the recent news which is driving the market like the financial news, stock market, economical factors, banking industry, etc.

  21. Where to check the notifications on Stocky5?
    Tap on the icon which is next to the search bar. From there you can check your notifications.

  22. How to edit bio?
    To edit your Bio, click on my profile section, tap on the three dots on the top right side, and you'll get the edit bio option. there you go and edit your preferred Bio!

  23. Where do I see my followers and followings?
    Go to the My Profile section & besides your profile photo, you can see your followers/followings.

  24. How and where can I see the tagged posts?
    You can see the tagged posts on my profile section next to my feed if anyone has tagged you.

  25. How to search users/stocks?
    Tap on the search bar at the top of the app & type the name of the user you want to search for. This way, you can search for the stock or users.

  26. Can I re-edit my content once posted?
    Oops Sorry! As of now, you can only post & delete your content on the Stocky5. However, we will put forward a re-editing option in the coming phases.

  27. How to report spam?
    You can click on the three dots appearing on the right side of the post. Tap there & mark the respective post as spam.

  28. Where will I get help/support?
  29. You can write to us at support@stocky5.com

  30. Why was my account suspended?
    If the user will not adhere to Stokcy5's content guidelines, then the account will be suspended for a week, month, or permanently at the user's discretion. Also, we can customize the duration of banning the user.

  31. Will I get rewards for posting content?
    We have thought about it, however, we're keeping it on hold. We'll update you soon!