Buyback/Takeover Application Process

Buyback/Takeover Application Process

Dear Customer,

As you might be aware that Multiple companies are announcing  Buyback of shares / Takeovers, To participate in the Buyback/Takeover process following steps need to be followed. You can place order from our web portal

Key Points:

1) You will be eligible for buyback only if the shares are in your holdings as per record date of issue

2) Your buyback quantity will be blocked till settlement date of issue

3) Only Free DP Qty are eligible for Buyback/Takeover.

4) The acceptance ratio of share will be calculated on closing of offer window, based on tendered shares and investors who have applied for the buyback/Takeover

5) Ensure you do not sell your share holdings of shares which are applied for buyback.


You can apply for buyback from 5paisa Tradestation web, you need to follow the following steps

Step 1:
Login to Tradestation Web & Click on Apply for BuyBack provided under Financial product dropdown in menu

Step 2:
On clicking 'BuyBack’, you need to enter the Bid Qty in the order window and click on Authorize. Here 'Eligible Qty’ is number of shares you hold in buyback Issue company as on record date

Step 3:
You will redirected to CDSL page to authorize your holdings. Enter your TPIN and OTP to complete the authorization process. Here the TPIN is same as the one you use it for Sell Authorization. You can generate it, if you don’t have your TPIN.

Step 4:

On Successful CDSL Authorization, your buyback order is received by our system and the bid will be placed with exchange.

Please note :
1. Bid are placed in exchange on next working day for the application received post 2.30pm 
2. Cutoff timing for accepting buyback application on last day is 12pm post which no request will be accepted