Smart Strategies
FAQs on Smart Strategies
What are Smart Strategies? Smart Strategy enables you to execute your option strategy with Defined Entry and Exit parameters. Where can I find Smart Strategy on 5paisa? We have made available the Smart Strategy section on Our FNO 360 portal. Visit ...
What are Smart Strategies?
In options trading, smart strategies include defined entry and exit parameters and techniques such as covered calls, protective puts, and iron condors. These strategies optimise performance by continually refining approaches and managing risks. The ...
Where can I find Smart Strategy on 5paisa?
The access path to Smart Strategies on 5paisa web portal is as follows: Log in to the 5paisa portal. Tap on the FnO 360 button appearing in the upper right corner. Tap on the Strategies icon from the navigation bar located on the left side of your ...
Which strategy I can execute using Smart Strategies?
5paisa offers you the flexibility to choose from two options with Smart Strategies: Predefined Strategies :5paisa provides a selection of predefined strategies that you can readily deploy. Custom Strategies :You can also create your own custom ...
What is Desired Premium section in Smart Strategies?
The "Desired Premium" section within Smart Strategies allows you to define the specific price point (premium) at which you want your strategy to enter a trade. Your strategy orders will only be placed when the market premium reaches your desired ...
What is the Exit Parameters section on the Smart Strategies platform?
The "Exit Parameters" section on the Smart Strategies platform allows you to define exit conditions for your strategy. Here are a few pointers that you can set using exit parameters: Target Prices Specify profit targets at which you want to exit your ...
What happens if I submit the strategy after market hours via Smart Strategies?
Once you submit strategies after market hours, the following occur: Activation Your strategy will become active the following day at 9:15 am, and it will assume you're logged in to Smart Strategies. If you're not logged in at that time, the strategy ...
What will happen if I missed logging in for positional strategy?
If you miss logging in to Smart Strategies while a positional strategy is active, then you can expect the following: No Order Placement Your strategy will not automatically place new orders to enter or exit positions if you're not logged in, even if ...
Can I manually manage the trades placed via Smart Strategies?
The Smart Strategies automate order placement based on your defined parameters. It is important to understand how manual intervention can impact your trades: Trade Mismanagement Manually modifying trades placed by Smart Strategies (e.g., squaring off ...
Can I modify the strategy once placed via Smart Strategies?
Yes, you can modify strategies with Smart Strategies. In fact, you have the flexibility to adjust your strategy's exit parameters even after submitting the strategy. It also allows you to fine-tune your profit targets, stop-loss levels, or trailing ...
Can I square off Strategy Positions?
Yes, you can square off existing positions initiated by your Smart Strategies. The process will square off all positions associated with the strategy and you will be able to view the realised profit or loss (P&L) on the dedicated Strategy P&L page ...
Can I pause the Strategy?
Yes, you have the option to pause your Smart Strategy on 5paisa. Once you pause the strategy, it will become inactive and will not execute any new entry or exit orders even if your defined conditions are met. It will allow you to temporarily halt the ...
Can I resume the Strategy?
Yes, you can reactivate a previously paused Smart Strategy. Once you resume, your strategy will become active again and begin monitoring market conditions to identify entry and exit opportunities according to your defined parameters.
Can I delete the Strategy?
Yes, you can delete a strategy on Smart Strategies. However, there are some points to remember. Open Positions You can only delete a strategy if it doesn't have any open positions (trades that haven't been closed yet). Square Off First If your ...
What if I don’t have sufficient margin in the account?
If you attempt to execute a trade through a Smart Strategy but your account lacks sufficient margin, 5paisa will then reject the trade and notify you with an "insufficient margin" message. Monitoring Strategy Logs To view a history of your Smart ...
Where can I see the trades placed via Smart Strategies?
You can see the trades placed by your smart strategies in two ways: Order Book Look for the trades within the 5paisa platform’s order book. It will be identified with a special tag (like “ss”) indicating they were initiated by a Smart Strategy. ...
Where can I see strategy P&L?
There are two convenient ways to monitor the profit or loss (P&L) of your Smart Strategies: 1. Strategy P&L Page The Strategy P&L Page is a dedicated page within the 5paisa platform that offers real-time P&L information specific to your strategy's ...