FAQs on Advanced Strategies

FAQs on Advanced Strategies

  1. What are Advanced Strategies?

    Advance Strategies provides automatic strategy execution of pre-build strategies to the users. All you have to do is subscribe to the strategy and the trades will be automatically placed for you.

  2. Which strategies are offered with Advanced Strategies?

    Straddle and Super-trend strategies are offered to you when you are subscribing to advanced strategies and both of them are independent with different execution logic.

  3. On Which 5paisa Platform can we subscribe to Advanced Strategies?

    As of now, the Advanced Strategies are available on 5paisa App. Please check the Ideas section on the App.

  4. How to Subscribe to Advanced Strategies?

    Following is the step-by-step guide for subscribing to the Advance Strategies:

    >>Login to the 5paisa App
    >>Go to the ‘Idea’ Section
    >>Go to Advanced Strategies
    >>Click on Deploy
    >>Select Capital/Multiplier
    >>Click on 'Deploy Strategy'
    >>Click 'Yes' and Accept the terms and conditions

  5. Are there any additional charges for trades via Advanced Strategies?

    You will be charged ₹20  extra per order apart from your existing brokerage charges. For example- If 2 orders will be executed via advanced strategies, you’ll be charged ₹40 for them.

  6. How many orders will be placed with the ‘Advanced Strategies’?

    When implementing your strategy, you must choose a Strategy Multiplier, which will determine the lot size for your trades. By default, our strategy places one lot and a maximum of two orders at a time. However, if you adjust the multiplier, the lot size for each order will increase accordingly. For example, a 1x multiplier would correspond to a 1-lot trade, while a 2x multiplier would correspond to a 2-lot trade, and so on.

  7. Can I unsubscribe from the advanced strategies?

    Yes, you can unsubscribe from the Advanced Strategy subscription from the ‘Live Strategy’ section.
    Following scenarios will occur when you unsubscribe from the advanced strategies-

    If trades are not placed– The strategies will stop immediately and trades will not be placed henceforth until you subscribe to the strategy again
    If trades are already placed- You need to manage the executed trades manually as strategies will not square off the existing trades or enter the new ones.

  8. What if I don’t have sufficient margin in my ledger account?

    If you have subscribed to strategies and don’t have the minimum margin in your account then your trades will be rejected by 5paisa and the Strategy will go into the Error Execution state. 

  9. What if I missed logging in during the day?

    The day you will miss logging in before 9.15 AM, the advanced strategy tool will not be able to place the trades and your strategy will go into an error execution state.

  10. Where can I see the trades placed via Strategy?

    You can see the trades placed by Strategy in the Order Book under the name ‘AST’ and also one on the Strategy P&L page.

  11. Where can I see strategy P&L?

    There are two sources where you can view the live strategies P&L from-

    - Under the Strategy P&L page
    - Log in to the 5paisa Mobile App
    - Click on Ideas Section
    - Go to Advanced Strategies
    - Click on the Manage or Live Strategy link

    On the 5paisa Net Position tab

    - Log in to the 5paisa web
    - Tap on ‘Orders & Positions’ from the left-hand side navigation bar
    - Tap on ‘Positions’

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