FAQs on FnO360

FAQs on FnO360

  1. What is FnO360 at 5paisa?

FnO360 is one of the web trading platforms on the 5paisa website, which is specifically designed for derivatives (F&O) trading.

  1. How do I access FnO360?

It is very convenient to access the FnO360, below is the step-by-step guide for it-

  • Login to the 5paisa Tradestation 

  • Click on the “FnO360” button appearing on the top right side of the screen

  • Then, you'll be directed to a new window that allows you to navigate easily on the FnO360, designed specifically for derivative traders. 

  1. Is it exclusive to only the F&O traders?

Anyone who is a 5paisa customer can access the FnO360 where they can explore a variety of unique features. This website is primarily focused on derivatives trading, for a smoother F&O trading experience.

  1. I do not have an account with 5paisa, can I still access the FnO360?

No, you need to have a Demat account with 5paisa then only you can access the FnO360 trading. 

  1. Which tools/features make FnO360 unique?

FnO360 has various features that derivatives traders would like to have in their buckets for enhanced analysis. Below are the unique features-

  1. Open Interest- It gives you a fair idea of the total open contracts available in the market in the derivatives segment

  1. India VIX- For your volatility-based trading, India VIX provides you with the data upfront without the need to switch multiple tabs. It is the most reliable and best indicator to track market volatility

  2. Options Chain- It is also known as an Option matrix, which is a list of all available options contracts and their data for a given security with a lightning-fast refresh rate. It includes strategies pertaining to F&O trading, such as Straddle and Greeks

  3. FII/DII- FIIs are the Foreign Institutional Investors, and the DIIs are the Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) are the key market drivers, and their trading sentiment can help you in building strategies and keep you ahead of the regular market participants

  1. Predefined Strategies- This feature will allow you to use your F&O strategies more efficiently and smartly. Further, you will be able to see all the strategy details about the price, max profit, max loss, breakeven points, and its payoffs on a single screen that will make strategy-based trading effortless

  2. Lightweight Charts- Lightweight Charts are mini charts with which you can easily get an idea of the current market trend with a buy/sell sentiment indicator on it. Furthermore, these charts can be easily converted into advanced charts with 100+ indicators that can be used to analyze trades comprehensively.

  3. Ideas- Ideas section gives you a comprehensive summary covering ideas for Short Term, Intraday, Expiry Special, and Quick Option trade for Equity Derivatives, Currency & Commodity segments

For more details on these features, please click here

  1. How many types of orders can I place on the FnO360 window?

You can trade with multiple types of orders-

  • Normal Buy/Sell orders for Delivery/Intraday 

  • Basket Order

  • Bulk Orders 

  • Multi Order 

  • Rollover Trades

  • Quick Reverse Trade 

  • VTT Orders for Derivatives 

  1. Is FnO360 available on the web or on an app?

Currently, we have FnO360 available only for the web version. Our team will update you whenever we’re accessible on the mobile app. 

  1. Why is FnO trading easy with FnO360 at 5paisa?

FnO360 gives you the best UI experience as it contains many futures and options-related tools and features all in one place. 

  1. How can I screen the market on FnO360?

For market screening, FnO360 has the ‘FnO Stats’ tool that includes all the pre-screened data. These benchmarking features can be used based on your requirement and will help you make improved trading decisions.

  1. Where can I find the FnO Stats?

On the left side navigation bar, the 5th icon represents the FnO Stats. Clicking on it will give you access to the various market research data as mentioned below-

  • Futures and Options Activity 

  • Future and Option Screeners

  • Futures Intraday Buildup

  • Index Contributor

  1. What types of research data can I access?

We have sorted futures and options separately according to their research parameters, as follows-

  • Futures Activity

    • Price Gainers/ Losers

    • OI Gainers/ losers

    • Long/Short Build Up

    • Long Unwinding

    • Short Covering

  • Futures Screeners

  • Options Activity

  • Active by Contract

  • Active by value

  • Volume Gainers

  • OI Gainers/Losers

  • Price Gainers/Losers

  • Option Screener

  • Future Intraday Buildup

  • Index Contributors

  1. What if I want to switch back to Tradestation?

If you want to switch to Tradestation, click on the ‘Trade Station’ button appearing on the top right corner of the screen and you’ll be redirected to the previous portal.

  1. Will I get the news updates?

Yes, there is a ‘news’ button in the bottom right corner, where you can get live market updates to stay updated about the market’s trending news

  1. Can I also trade in the cash market on FnO360?

Yes, you can trade in cash as well as the FNO market via the FnO360 platform.

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