How to Start SIP for Smallcases? | Setting Up SIP for Smallcases - 5paisa

How to Start SIP for Smallcases?

Setting up an SIP:

  1. Initiate SIP Setup: Begin the process by checking the SIP box while purchasing the smallcase with 5Paisa. Alternatively, you can also initiate the setup from the Investments tab.

      2. Select the Desired Smallcase: Navigate to the Investments tab and click on the smallcase for which you want to set up the SIP.

     3.  Start the SIP: From the 'More Actions' dropdown menu, select the 'Start SIP' option to commence your systematic investment plan.


SIP Specifications:

  1. Choose Frequency and Start Date: In the SIP overview pop-up, select a frequency for your investments. You can choose from weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly options. Also, specify the start date for your SIP.

      2.  Set SIP Amount: The minimum SIP amount is Rs. 5000, but this could be higher depending on the smallcase. Feel free to adjust the amount as per                   your financial comfort.

     3. Review Historical Performance: Take a look at the historical performance of the smallcase. This provides an overview of potential returns over the                   past  3 years, helping you make an informed decision.

     4. Save Your SIP: After reviewing all the details, click on "Save SIP" to finalize your systematic investment plan.



Confirm and Complete:

  1. Confirm Your SIP: Validate the details of your SIP setup. Please note that the SIP acts as a reminder and does not automatically place orders on your behalf.

      2. Finalize the Process: Click on "Continue" to complete the setup process. Remember, you have the flexibility to edit your SIP details at any time.




Editing SIP

Edit SIP:

  1. Navigate to Your Investments: Start by going to the 'Investments' section.

    2. Select the Desired Smallcase: Choose the smallcase that you want to modify.

    3. Access SIP Settings: Click on "Edit SIP," which is located below the "Invest more" button.

    4.  Modify SIP Details: In the SIP pop-up, adjust the frequency or start date as per your preference.

    5. Save Changes: Don't forget to save your changes to ensure they take effect.




Terminating Your SIP:

  1. Access SIP Settings: Navigate to the bottom of the 'Edit SIP' window.

     2. End Your SIP: Select the "End SIP" option. This action will halt the SIP installments for the selected smallcase in 5Paisa.


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