How to reactivate an already closed Demat account at 5paisa?

How to reactivate an already closed Demat account at 5paisa?

To reactivate your closed Demat account, the following documents are required-  
  1. AOF (Account Opening Form)
  2. Tariff sheet (PDF)
  3. KYC Form
  4. Nominee declaration (PDF)
  5. Nominee Detail Form      
Write an email to raise a reactivation request at with subject line- 'Reactivation of Closed Account' and in the email body mention that you want to Reactivate the Closed Account. Further, our team will send you a AOF form for your account reactivation, on which you would need to do signature at required places and attach the supporting documents (PAN card and Aadhar card). Then, courier it to our head office at the below-given address:

5paisa Capital Ltd,
Sun Infotech Park, Road number- 16V,
Plot Number - B/23, Thane Industrial Area,
Wagle Estate Thane - 400604.

Note: To avoid any rejection during the process we request you to kindly share the filled form along with the self-attested supporting documents to us at as well for scanning for us to check and verify. Once it gets verified you have to courier the same to the above mentioned address. 

You need to share bank proof as per the bank mentioned on AOF Page no 3.

After the verification is done, a new DP ID will be created in the system. The newly created DP ID will be mapped in all the backend offices as well. In the end, our team will make the necessary changes at Exchange's level & will reactivate your closed Demat account. 

Please Note: Turn Around Time (TAT) for reactivation will be approx. 72 hrs. post successful system generated form submission. The reactivation TAT can be longer based on the Exchange's response.