When can the funds be withdrawn if the shares are sold, or positions are closed today?

When can the funds be withdrawn if the shares are sold, or positions are closed today?

When you sell shares or close positions, the funds from these transactions go through a settlement process before they become available for withdrawal. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Settlement Process:

  • Unsettled Amount: When shares are sold or positions are closed, the resulting funds are initially classified as "unsettled." This means they are not immediately available for withdrawal.
  • Settlement Period: The unsettled amount is transitioned to a settled status according to the settlement cycle of the transaction:
    • T+1 Day: Some transactions may settle the next trading day.
    • T+2 Days: Most equity transactions settle two trading days after the trade date.

Key Points:

  1. Unsettled Amount:
    • Funds from sold shares or closed positions are initially parked as unsettled amounts.
    • These funds cannot be withdrawn until they are settled.
  2. Settlement Cycle:
    • T+1 Day: Funds from certain transactions may settle by the next trading day.
    • T+2 Days: Standard equity transactions typically settle within two trading days.
  3. Withdrawal Availability:
    • Once the funds transition from unsettled to settled status, they become available for withdrawal.
  4. Tracking Unsettled Credits:
    • You can monitor your unsettled credits under the 'Breakdown' view of the 'Available Withdrawable Balance' in your 5paisa account.

Example Scenario:

  • Selling Shares on Monday: If you sell shares on Monday:
    • The funds will be parked as unsettled.
    • Depending on the settlement cycle, these funds will be settled by either Tuesday (T+1) or Wednesday (T+2).
    • Once settled, the funds will be available for withdrawal.

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